In the heart of Grand Lake, Colorado, at the iconic Grand Lake Lodge, a deeply intimate and celebratory wedding unfolds, weaving personal touches amidst the grandeur of the Front Range. The setting, adorned with colorful flowers echoing Colorado's wild blooms, casts a romantic spell with soft lighting and an abundance of candles. The landscape is awash with hues of yellow, blues, salmons, oranges, and purples—reminiscent of the vibrant wildflowers gracing the Colorado summer.
Amidst this picturesque scene, the couple embraces a balance of traditional and contemporary styles. The ceremony, a fusion of heartfelt personal touches, resonates with the spirit of the Front Range. Friends and family witness a celebration that harmonizes nature's splendor with a deeply personal, romantic atmosphere—a perfect reflection of love blooming like Colorado's wildflowers.
aspen & ivy
bree woolliscroft photography
- kristine
"Aspen & Ivy was the best decision I made in the entire wedding planning process. Throughout the 18 months it took to plan, they made sure I was on track, offered me advice, and made sure I felt as comfortable and stress free as possible. The day of the actual wedding I was extremely relaxed and it was 100% because of Aspen & Ivy. I knew that she had everything under control and I didn't have to worry about a thing."
I didn't have to worry about a thing