In the heart of the enchanting Santa Fe, Brooke and Chris celebrate their timeless love at the Eldorado Inn, nestled against the majestic backdrop of the mountains. The ceremony, characterized by its formal and classic ambiance, radiates elegance with a color palette of crisp whites, lush greenery, and touches of refined gold. With an appreciation for the natural beauty of the area, the focus remains on the stunning mountain views, highlighted by a simple yet tasteful arch or floral arrangement at the altar, intentionally crafted to complement rather than distract from the breathtaking landscape.
The reception at the Inn and Spa at Loretto continues the elegant affair, adorned in regal tones and understated opulence. Family and friends unite in celebration amidst the charm of Santa Fe, creating cherished memories within the embrace of the region's natural allure—a timeless tribute to love and scenic beauty.
aspen & ivy
maura jane photography
"Aspen & Ivy was extremely attentive at every stage of wedding planning and she made what can seem like a stressful and daunting process an enjoyable and memorable time in our lives. They not only helped to make my Pinterest board come to life, but they also helped me to find the perfect vendor team, kept our planning timeline on schedule, and executed the most perfect day. As a type-a bride, they were instrumental in keeping me stress-free during the planning process and especially on our wedding day."
They made it an enjoyable and memorable time in our lives