In the heart of the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, an opulent and extravagant masquerade unfurls in a dazzling array of black, lavender, and gold. The celebration breathes an air of mystique and allure, as guests arrive adorned in elaborate masks, adding an enigmatic charm to the evening.
The venue is adorned in lavish opulence, with cascading drapes in rich shades and gilded accents that reflect the elegance of the surroundings. The dance floor glows with golden hues, while dimly lit corners embrace the deep, enchanting lavender tones.
Extravagant details—ornate chandeliers, cascades of flowers, and lavish table settings—elevate the ambiance, creating a feast for the senses. The masquerade revels in a mix of sophistication and mystery, where laughter and whispers mingle amidst the splendor of the mountains, offering an enchanting and luxurious experience beneath the night sky.
aspen & ivy
carrie king photography